
To change the branding of your instance, you can follow the following steps:

  • Login into your admin account

  • Go to ‘Settings’

  • Go to ‘Branding’ to change the branding of your instance


  • Product Name: This name will be used across all areas of the whitelabel where product name is needed

  • Full Logo (With Wordmark): This logo will appear on the login and sign up pages.

  • Full Logo (Without Wordmark): This logo will appear on the navigation bar

  • Favourite Icon: This logo will appear on the browser tab

All the logos need to be in a .svg file.

Please wait for 15 minutes once all the logos are updated for it to reflect across platform

Provide all your social media links of your social media profile like Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn


  • Accent: Provide Hex colour code for primary, secondary and dark options. This will be applied to your instance.

  • Text: Provide Hex colour code for primary, secondary and tertiary options. This will be applied to the text across the platform.

  • Neutral: Provide Hex colour code for Grey, Light Grey, Lightest Grey, Dark Grey options. This will be applied across your instance.

  • Success: Provide Hex colour code for primary & secondary options. This will display the success text on the platform in colour configured.

  • Failure: Provide Hex colour code for primary & secondary options. This will display the failure text on the platform in colour configured.

  • Warning: Provide Hex colour code for primary & secondary options. This will display the warning text on the platform in colour configured.


  • Heading: Select the type of fonts, style of fonts, and size of the fonts that will be applied to different headings in your instance.

  • Body: Select the type of fonts, style of the fonts and the size of the fonts that will be applied to the body in your instance.

Be default, we display only supported Google fonts.

To request for a new font, create a ticket.

Sign Up Illustration:

To change the instance sign-up page, you only need to change the HTML code. You can make following changes in the HTML code:

  • Add image to the sign up page

  • Add Video or GIFs to sign up page

  • Replace the text that will be visible on sign up page

Last updated